FriendlyARM: WinCE6: Compiling

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Windows_CE_6 > Compiling

Compiling a WinCE 6.0 image is pretty easy once your Build Environment is setup. You should be able to build it and go out of the box. There are a couple hiccups if you've installed more than one board SDK, and depending on the options picked, they may or may not be working, so modifying will take some testing.


Build Environment


After installing everything, open VS2005 go to File > Open > Project/Solution then navigate to C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\<board>\<board>.sln and open.

You can then run "build <board>" with Build > Build <board>, this could take a while depending on your computer, if all goes well, and there are no errors, you will find your newly built NK.bin file under C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini<board>\Mini<board>\RelDir\<board>_ARMV4I_Release\

Choosing Options

WinCE6 has several options that FriendlyARM did not include, depending on your needs and space requirements, you may wish to include more, or remove some. This is done in the Catalog Items View which is found on a tab near the Solution Explorer. Remember not all options may be working for your board, so some trial and error may be needed here, or some custom coding on your part.

LCD Selection

FriendlyARM provides several LCD options for WinCE6, to choose one, open the C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\<board>\SRC\INC\options.h file, and scroll down till you see #define LCD_<your lcd model>, uncomment this line, and comment out the previously selected one, save file. This will build in the correct driver for your LCD when you compile the image.

Possible Errors


  • If you have installed the Mini210 SDK, and are compiling the Mini2440 image, you will probably get an error about not finding the right files. To cure this, in the Solution Explorer click down to the C:/WINCE600/PLATFORM/COMMON/src/soc folder, right click and choose "exclude from build"


  • If you have excluded the C:/WINCE600/PLATFORM/COMMON/src/soc folder for another board, it might need to be included again for building the 210.


  • If you get a device property error complaining about the Datastor, close VS2005 and rename the C:\Documents and Settings\billebob\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CoreCon\1.0 folder to something different, or just delete it. Open VS2005 again and it will regenerate a new one.