FriendlyARM: Android: Compiling

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Android > Compiling

Once your Android Build Environment is installed, FriendlyARM provides a couple scripts that make compiling and generating a usable image really easy.


Build Environment


Set Environment/Build Variables

FriendlyARM provides a couple scripts that can quickly get you on your way. The first is the setenv script. Running this script will set all the environment variables you'll need.

   # cd /path/to/android/sources
   # ./setenv

Optionally you can do it the standard way.

   # source /build/
   # lunch

This will ask you a few question, one being the version you want to build, FriendlyARM has a couple, indicated with the board number, 210, 4412, etc.

Run Build Script

210 Boards

FriendlyARM provides the which will build and then create the necessary images, using the installed mktools programs.

   # ./ image

I ran into an issue with Debian where I had to change the shebang line from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash for script compatibility.

4412 Boards

  # make -j<number of cpu cores>

After compiling, you'll need to generate the images needed.

   # ./

If you just want to generate the root filesystem run.

  # ./

For either version, reading through the build scripts can make a lot of sense of what is going on, and his highly recommended.


If you get a complaint about script issues, you'll need to change the script shebang line from #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash this is due to the default shell not being bash in your Linux distribution.